Who is Adlink-Group

a leading company in software & digital marketing solutions

Adlink-Group aims to develop your business through modern technology through its services provided in many aspects of today modern digital world.
Starting from creating PC Applications and programs to developing applications for smart phones,whether it`s in Android or iOS to developing website and web applications
Adlink-Group has also another section providing marketing & promotion of your business through web with the help of our experts in the field of design & digital marketing



Software Development

We aim to provide marvelous solutions to make your business more simple,more easy and more successfull

  • PC Programs
  • Web Sites
  • Smartphone Applications

Digital Marketing

We create digital marketing campaigns through the most popular social media platforms

  • Facebook & Instagram
  • Google & Youtube
  • Twitter

Graphic Design

We provide all designs needed for starting or marketing your business

  • Advertising Designs
  • Visual Identity Designs & Logos
  • Social Media Designs

Adlink Value You Deserve

Consider us as your own digital business consultants

Adlink-Group can provide all digital solutions needed to grow your business starting from creating your identity to providing ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) System including CRM(Customer Relation Management) System and reaching your potential customers through digital marketing & social media promotion
